UAE Will Now Grant "CITIZENSHIP" To Investors And Professionals, According To New Amendment In Law

  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) reported it is opening a way to citizenship for certain foreigners, however it is indistinct if new visa holders will profit by this framework.  Dubai ruler and UAE Prime Minister Sheik Mohammed Rashed Al Maktoum on Saturday said "investors, professionals and experts including scientists, doctors, engineers, craftsmen, inventors and their families" would be qualified for naturalization under the new amendment to the citizenship law.  "The UAE bureau, nearby emiri courts and chief boards will name those qualified for the citizenship under clear measures set for every class," he said. "The law permits recipients of the UAE visa to keep their current citizenship."  The UAE government said the change "targets valuing the gifts and capabilities present in the UAE and pulling in more brilliant personalities to the Emirati people group".  Residents make up a little minority of the 9,000,000 in number populace of the UAE,...

Senate calls Defence Minister on decision of troops deployment in KSA

Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani calls defence Minister Khurram Dastagir to present policy statement over matter of dispatching the Pak Army troops to KSA, as it was official announced by ISPR that Pakistan has send thousands of more soldiers to Saudi Arabia and they will be available there for internal operations.
The issue was raised by PPP senator Farhatullah babar in front of senate after that chairman senate calls defence Minister to give explanation over the order given earlier. Senator Babar also said that anyone of us can imagine the grave after effects of that decision.
The sending of troops to Saud Arabia is contradictory to the resolution passed by Joint Parliament last year when Saudi Arabia itself asked for the deployment of Pak Army troops in Kingdom in order to work for Islamic Military Alliance.
Pak Army troops are already deployed in Saudi Arabia to confront internal threats and security of religious places but the question is there any serious need of increasing number of soldiers for internal security or they might be used to tackle threats come from Yemen. If Pak Army troops will used beyond the Saudi borders then consequences will be the same as before. Pakistan should get mature enough now to smell consequences of fighting wars on behalf of others. Indeed we should hope for better.


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