UAE Will Now Grant "CITIZENSHIP" To Investors And Professionals, According To New Amendment In Law

  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) reported it is opening a way to citizenship for certain foreigners, however it is indistinct if new visa holders will profit by this framework.  Dubai ruler and UAE Prime Minister Sheik Mohammed Rashed Al Maktoum on Saturday said "investors, professionals and experts including scientists, doctors, engineers, craftsmen, inventors and their families" would be qualified for naturalization under the new amendment to the citizenship law.  "The UAE bureau, nearby emiri courts and chief boards will name those qualified for the citizenship under clear measures set for every class," he said. "The law permits recipients of the UAE visa to keep their current citizenship."  The UAE government said the change "targets valuing the gifts and capabilities present in the UAE and pulling in more brilliant personalities to the Emirati people group".  Residents make up a little minority of the 9,000,000 in number populace of the UAE,...

"Lift Illegal Curfew and Allow Delegation To Visit Kashmir" UK Notified India

The United Kingdom (UK) has demanded that India lift all limitations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) and permit a group from its High Commission in Delhi to visit the involved domain for a direct appraisal of the circumstance. The interest has been made by the UK Secretary of State for Justice Robert Buckland while answering to a discussion on the "political circumstance in Kashmir" in the Westminster Hall on Wednesday. 

Reacting to the discussion, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Minister, Nigel Adams said the circumstance in Kashmir remains an issue for India and Pakistan and it ought to be settled by the desires of Kashmiri individuals. 

A British pastor and 10 individuals from Parliament talked about the predicament of the residents of IIOJ&K during the discussion coordinated by Sarah Owen. 

Sarah Owen, British Member of Parliament (MP) said lockdown in involved Kashmir was not for the insurance of the individuals but rather for compulsion. She said in excess of 500,000 Indian soldiers have held the individuals of involved Kashmir hostage. Kashmiri Muslims were additionally being kept from going to medical clinics. Indian ladies were being irritated and assaulted on their doorsteps. 

"Do the assertions of the Members of Parliament in involved Kashmir compare to their activities?" the British MP addressed. James Barry Daly, British MP, said terrible episodes of assault and sexual savagery were occurring in involved Kashmir. "We should join against the barbarities executed on Muslims in involved Kashmir," he added.


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